Web Design (PHP) Training Syllabus

Introduction to Web Design

Rich Internet Application (RIA)

Accord Soft Offers Best RIA Training in Chennai. We offer Internships in Real-Life Business Applications of our clients. Students are given Practical Training in the below mentioned syllabus. The syllabus can be customized according to individual needs.


Introduction to Open Source Software - Open Source Vs Closed Source Applications - Introduction to the LAMP (Linux+Apache+Mysql+PHP) software bundle.

HTML - Designing Web Applications

Introduction to World Wide Web (WWW) - HTML Internationalization & Accessibility - Character Encoding & References - Document Structure - Meta Tag & Heading Elements - DIV, SPAN and ADDRESS - Text Direction - INS & DEL Tags - Lists & Items -Constructing Tables - Table Directionality - Borders & Alignment - Links & Anchors - Images & Image Maps - Floating Objects & Formatting - Fonts with Styles - Layout Design with Frame Form Control & Types - Elements & Attributes - Structuring with Fieldset - Access Key & Tab Index - Disabled & Read-Only Controls - Index of Elements - Index of Attributes

CSS(Cascading Stylesheets)

Introduction to CSS - Containment in HTML - Grouping & Inheritance - Class as Selector - ID & Contextual Selectors - Comments - Pseudo - classes & Pseudo - elements - Cascading Order - Formatting Model - List item elements - Floating & Inline elements - Notation for Property Values- Font Properties - Color& Background Properties - Text Properties - Box Properties - Classification Properties - Units & URL


Introduction to JavaScript - JavaScript in HTML - JavaScript Statement - Write &Writeln - Values & Variables - Literals & Comments - Expressions in JavaScript - Operators - Conditional Statements - Loop Statements - Object Manipulation Statements - Working with Build in Objects - Array & Boolean Objects - Math & Date Objects - String & Number Objects - Working with Build-in Function - isNaN() Function - parseInt() &parseFloat() functions - Exception Handling - Popup Boxes - JavaScript Event Handler - Timing Events - Status Bar & Roll Over - Object Model - Functions in JavaScript - Navigator - Object Hierarchy - JavaScript Reflection - Window & Frame Object - Document & Form Object - Location & History Object - Working with Windows & Frames - Working with MIME Types - Playing Sounds.

DOM (Document Object Model)

Basics of DOM - DOM Hierarchy - DOM Methods - Functions - Form Collection - Table Collections - InnerHTML - Nodes &ChildNodes - DOM with HTML & CSS. Basics of AJAX - Using XMLHTTPRequest Object - AJAX with XML - AJAX with PHP - AJAX with MYSQL - Model View Controller Architecture - SPRINKLE SOME AJAX MAJIC IN YOUR WEB APPLICATION!!

PHP (Hypertext Pre Processor)

PHP 5 - Syntax notations and other nuances - PHP 5 Configuration Strategies - Overview of PHP internal parameters - PHP 5 configuration parameters - PHP data types -Resources in PHP - PHP 4 Vs PHP 5: Portability /Compatibility Issues - Managing Date, Time and Calendar functions - Scope of variables and functions - Dynamic FunctionCalls - Parsing Variable arguments in functions - Pre-defined PHP functions - Pre-defined PHP variables and constants - Error Logging in PHP.

Session management & Cookies: Session management & configuration - Sessions & Security - Custom session handlers - Introduction to cookies - Setting and retrieving cookies - Expiring cookies - Deleting cookies - Storing arrays in cookies

Advanced PHP functions: Uploading files - Managing HTTP authentication - Managing HTTP headers - Connection Handling - Getting IP address of visitors - Showing different content for different browsers - Packages and PEAR/PECL package repository -Serialization and UnSerialization using PHP

Classes and Objects: Introduction to OOPs - The PHP5 Object Model - PHP 4 Vs PHP 5 Object Model - Defining Classes - Instantiating Objects - Constructors & Destructors - Cloning - Using the_clone () method - Using the Identity operator - Members & Visibility - Class inheritance - self: parent: and $this - Static members - Abstract methods and Abstract classes - Final methods and Final classes - Overloading.

Advanced OOP and Design patterns in PHP 5: Singleton - Observer - Decorator - Factory pattern - Conditional functions - Object factory methods - MVC architectural pattern - Command-Dispatch pattern - Creating custom iterators.

PHP and XML: A quick overview on XML - Validating and Non - validating XML - DTD/XSD/Relax-NG Schema - Understanding Namespaces - An overview of XPath - Parsing XML in PHP - Using the SimpleXML Parser - An overview of W3C DOM

Working with Streams: Introduction to Streams - Stream Filters - Stream Contexts - Stream Errors - Predefined Stream Wrappers/Protocols - Creating custom streams

PHP Database Connectors and API: An overview on native database connectors - Database abstraction libraries - Using MYSQL Databases with PHP - MYSQL VsMYSQLi extensions - Managing MYSQL database with MYSQLi extensions - Procedural Style Vs OO-Style Semantics - Creating new database connection - Checking for mysql connection errors -Checking for mysql connection information - Executing mysql queries - Managing prepared query execution - Binding parameters and results for prepared queries - Fetching data from query result sets - Managing SQLite databases using PHP - SQLite Vs MYSQL - Database abstraction libraries - PDO::MYSQL and PDO::SQLite

Writing Secure PHP applications: Secure configuration of PHP - PHP Safe Mode settings and their implications on PHP functions - Input validation and Filtering technique - Understanding common attacks/exploits on PHP based websites - XSS attack - Cross-site request forgery - SQL injection attack - DoS attack - Session fixation/hijacking - Using cryptographic functions/API for storing sensitive information - Using Captcha code or other techniques to avoid SPAM-bot attacks - Maintainability, Security Vs Performance

Performance/Scaling of PHP applications: Scale-up Vs Scale-out architecture - Performance: Identifying bottlenecks and kludges - Re-factoring Design: Tips & Techniques - Load-balanced/Cluster-aware applications - Profiling your PHP application - Code re-factoring: using the right functions/API for your task - De-coupling Modules - Scalable architecture: Design/Development Techniques.

Database Management System MySQL

Database Management System - Introduction to MYSQL - Enterprise Server Editions of MYSQL - Enterprise Features of MySQL - Enterprise Server 5.1: Partitioning - Row-Based/Hybrid Replication - Event Scheduler - XPath Support - Dynamic General/Slow Query Log - Performance/Load Testing Utility - Full Text Search - Archive Engine - Under Session and Problem - SQL Identification - MYSQL Embedded Library - Additional INFORMATION_SCHEMA Objects - Faster Data Import Operations - ACID Transactions- Stored Procedures - Triggers - Views - Information Schema - Pluggable Storage Engine Architecture - Archive Storage Engine

Normalization - Writing MYSQL Based Programs - Selecting Data from Tables - Table Management - Working with Strings - Dates & Times - Sorting Query Results - Generating Summaries - Uploading Files to MYSQL Metadata - Importing & Exporting Data - Generating & Using Sequences - Using Multiple Tables - Statistical Techniques - Handling Duplicates - Performing Transactions - Using Stored Routines - Triggers & Events - Backup MYSQL Database - Introduction to MYSQL on the Web.